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Circuit Hackathon

@ Digital University Kerala
May 7th 2024

Circuit Hackathon was held on 07 May 2024, for school students of Grade 6-10 as the fifth event. Six  teams participated in the hackathon. Circuit hackathon was conducted in four levels. Four circuits with varying difficulty levels were given to students to build on the breadboard. The students identified the component values and connected them on a breadboard. All students were given participation certificates. The winners were given circuit components and breadboards for them to have more fun with electronics.

Three-Day Hands-on Workshop on Neuromorphic Analog Circuits

@ Digital University Kerala
April 22-24th 2024

The fourth workshop conducted was “Three Day Hands-on Workshop on Neuromorphic Analog Circuits” by Maker CASS Club, Digital University Kerala in association with IEEE CASS Kerala Chapter and Maker Village, Kochi. The event was conducted from 22-24, April 2024. Thirty three students from first year Msc and M-tech participated in the workshop. Participants received practical instruction on how to use open-source semiconductor design tools during the program. The students explored the use of design tools, design flow from schematic to GDS. The schematic to GDS of resistor, capacitor, RC integrator was done during the program.The crossbar architecture was explained to them. On the third day, a hackathon was conducted for students  on Day 3 from 9:30 am, where they were asked to do schematic and layout of transistor and form neuromorphic architecture  with activation functions. All the students eagerly participated in the hackathon and submitted their results at 5:00 pm.

One-day workshop on PCB Design and 3D printing for school students
@ Digital University Kerala
April 19th 2024

The third One day workshop on PCB Design and 3D printing for school students was conducted on 13 April 2024 at Digital University Kerala. Eighteen students participated in the workshop. The session was led by Prof. Alex James, Dean Academics, Digital University Kerala.

One-day workshop on PCB Design and 3D printing for school students
@ Digital University Kerala
April 13th 2024

The second One day workshop on PCB Design and 3D printing for school students was conducted on 13 April 2024 at Digital University Kerala. Fourteen students participated in the workshop. The session was led by Prof. Alex James, Dean Academics, Digital University Kerala. Many students wanted to design new circuits, fascinated by 3D printing techniques. Students were taken for a lab visit at Digital University Kerala.

One-Day Workshop on

PCB Design and 3D Printing
@ Maker Village, Kochi

April 6th 2024

Maker CASS Club, Digital University Kerala in association with IEEE CASS Kerala Chapter and Maker Village, Kochi organized a one day workshop on PCB Design and 3D printing for students from Class 6-10.  Sixteen students from 7 schools participated in the workshop. The session was led by Prof. Alex James, Dean Academics, Digital University Kerala. The students were introduced through the basic electronics components, resistor color coding, and circuit designing. All students were excited to do circuits like LED blinking circuit, Buzzer controlling circuit using transistor, and automatic street light controller on a breadboard and later solder them. The students were also given the basics of 3D printing tools.  They were illuminated with the wonders of technology while visiting labs in Maker Village. Many students wanted to design new circuits, fascinated by 3D printing techniques in SuperFab Lab.

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